Why the opposition is unable to set a narrative against Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019

The Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 has been passed in Lok Sabha and BJP is sure and confident that this bill will also taste the success in Rajya Sabha on December 11.
Amit Shah during his speeches in the Parliament emphasized only on one major point, that Indian Muslims need not worry because the bill excludes only Muslims from Pakistan, Afganistan & Bangladesh.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019, that seeks to give Indian nationality to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan passed the lower House test yesterday. The Bill seeks to amend the definition of illegal immigrant for Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christian immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who have lived in India without documentation. They will be granted fast-track Indian citizenship in six years. So far, 12 years of residence has been the standard eligibility requirement for naturalisation
The opposition knows it very well that the bill has nothing to do with Indian Muslims but many of their leaders are trying to set a narrative that the bill is against the Muslims. The bill is against the secular nature of this country. They are questioning the government that why Muslims have been left out in this bill. Why persecuted Muslims are not included. They should also have been included and given the Indian citizenship.
However Amit Shah and BJP have been very loud and clear that the Minorities of Pakistan, Bangladesh & Afganistan, persecuted based on the religion will be given Indian Citizenship
All the mentioned countries are Islamic Majority countries and the Muslims even if they are persecuted there are not because of the religion. There are other reasons for their persecution.
Our team met few Muslims in the neighborhood who are from UP and Bihar working in Delhi NCR. They had no issue whatsoever with this bill. They said we are Indians, our forefathers lived here and we have our lands and houses in our villages so why should we be worried. We are not Bangladeshis, We are not Rohingyas and we are not illegally living here. Why should we fear from this bill.
Some were confused that why only Hindu, Sikh, Christian and other minorities of Pakistan Bangladesh and Afghanistan are being given the citizenship? Why not Muslim minorities from these countries??
We had to make them understand that Muslims are minorities in India, therefore we call them minorities but in these countries we cannot call them minorities because these are Islamic countries with Muslim population of over 95%.
MINORITY doesn't mean Muslims but Indian politicians are misleading such Indian Muslims who comes from the lower class and who are not educated by playing minority card with them
The opposition has been trying hard to convince the Indian Muslims that the bill is against the Muslims but in just 15 minutes of conversation we were able to convince the Muslims we spoke with, that the bill has nothing to do with them.
That is the reason why opposition has again failed this time. In fact the ruling party has very smartly been able to explain this bill in just few lines
If you are not a ROHINGYA, If you are not an illegal Bangladeshi, Pakistani of Afgani Muslim then there is no need to worry. Indian Muslims were living freely, will continue to live freely in this country.
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