What are the options with Abdullas, Muftis,
Shah Faesal & Sheha Rashid

With the abrogation of article 370 of the
Indian constitution on August 5, Kashmir has been fully integrated with India.
Now the state of Jamuu & Kashmir will get the benefits of progressive
measures such as right to information, right to education, health, property
rights etc. Many big players have already shown their intent to invest in
J&K. Uday Kotak, Mukesh Ambani, have already announced their intent to invest in Jammu & Kashmir. Lakhs of jobs are going to generate in Kashmir soon. Medanta wish to set up a big state of the art hospital in Kashmir. It means
over 15000 direct and indirect jobs will be generated for the Kashmiri youth by only one big hospital.
According to Jitender Singh, the union
minister, abrogation of Article 370 will help in industrial growth, employment
generation and improvement in the health sector and people will get freedom
from family rule. Dr. Jitendra Singh said that common man in the streets
of Kashmir is rejoicing over the abrogation of Article 370 and it is a handful
of families who are crying over it.

Pakistan has been running pillar and post and
making lot of hue and cry about the Indian government’s decision of scrapping
Article 370, but failed everywhere. A Member of the European Parliament (MEP) believe that this
decision will help in rooting out several terrorist organisations operating in
Member of the European Parliament Tomas
Zdechovsky in an article said that “such terrorist groups are spreading
violence in the Kashmir valley and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK)”.
The UN, The US, the UAE, UK, France and all
major economies of the world have resisted themselves on commenting on the
Indian government’s decision. In fact they categorically accepted that Kashmir
is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan and they need to resolve it

The Kashmir on the other hand is returning to
normalcy. The restrictions in most of the regions have been lifted. The
landlines are open in almost all the areas, however mobile and internet
services are still affected in Kashmir region
The security forces continued to be deployed to maintain law and order.
What is in store now for the common Kashmiri
after scrapping of Article 370? While speaking to some Kashmiri youth it has
been observed that most of them believe that they will get rid of the large scale
of corruption in Kashmir. Though they have some inhibitions about what would
happen if people from other parts of the country start buying land in Kashmir? This
fear is natural but as in other parts of the country be it Andhra, Telangana,
Northeast, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh where the people have preserved their
cultures and lands, Kashmiris will also do the same.
The mainstream Kashmiri leaders, former
CMs and others have been under house arrest for over a month now. Shah Faisal
an IAS topper from Kashmir who resigned from his job to join politics is also
under house arrest now.
The people of Kashmir were desperately looking
for a new face in the mainstream politics. The Muftis the Abdullas ruled them
for ages but the common Kashmiri suffered all during these years. The
separatists were given free run to instigate youth for stone pelting and
terrorism. However their own children enjoyed studying in best of the
institutions in India and abroad. The pro Pakistan lobby was highly active to run Pakistan agenda during the
rule of Mufti and Abdullas. The Separatists like Geelanis and Maliks flourished
under their rules.
Smelling the sentiments of the general public
the ambitious IAS officer Shah Faisal floated his own party in Kashmir. He
roped in JNU student Shehla Rashid in his party. The two became the face of the
new party in Kashmir.
Their dream could not last long and article
370 was scrapped by the central government on 5th of August. To pacify the pro Pakistan
lobby Shah Faisal once told a news channel that either he can be a separatist
or a stooge of center now. He said he can’t be a stooge of center but did not
say anything else.
Pakistan did his best to internationalize the
issue but in vain. Some controversial journalists like Rana Ayub and Pakistani ministers
are selling fake propaganda on their social media accounts. The only known face
of Kashmir Shehla Rashid is also trying her best on Twitter and social media to
garner some publicity from abrogation of article 370.
Without verifying the facts Shehla has been
alleged to spread fake news about the atrocities by Indian Army in Kashmir.
Army and J&K Police have denied all these allegations. An FIR was also
filed against Shela Rashid for spreading fake news about Kashmir. The matter is
under investigation now.
We believe that the situation is going to
improve soon in Kashmir. The common Kashmiri wants to live in peace. He want
his children to go to school. He wants to run his business and live happily.
So once all the restrictions are lifted and
when Muftis and Abdullas are released from house arrest they will have no other
option but to accept the reality. The government of India will never go back to
revoke its own decision now. The Article 370 has been scrapped for good now.
The Abdullas and Muftis will have to form a
new strategy in New Kashmir so that public votes them to power again.
Similarly Shah Faisal and Shehla Rashid need not to be stooges of center. They need to go to the common peace loving public for votes. Yes Kashmiriyat is still there and we need to promote that instead of highlighting separatism which is almost negligible in Kashmir.
There is no room for Separatists in New
Kashmir. They have to be in Jail so Shehla and Faisal has no option but to be
in the mainstream if they really want to fulfill their desire to become a
politician in Jammu and Kashmir
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