Covid-19 Innovation Challenges
As the Corona outbreak continues, the government of India is also taking all necessary steps to control the spread of Covid-19. The stringent measures like complete lockdown for 21 days, though has helped to control the spread. However, to ensure that India is prepared well for any future threat, the government is also looking forward to the innovative solutions for Covid-19.
Which companies & Government Institutions are inviting applications?
C-CAMP is inviting Startups, innovators, and entrepreneurs who can help fight Covid-19 with their innovations.Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) is a special COVID-19 focused accelerator set up in collaboration with the United Nations Health Innovation Exchange (UNHIE) and Social Alpha. Amid Covid-19 pandemic the C-CAMP is inviting Startups, innovators, and entrepreneurs who can help fight the pandemic. The Special Covid focused accelerator is also called "COVID-19 Innovations Deployment Accelerator" (CIDA)
The Innovations from the players should be under the following categories: diagnostics, vaccines, screening, containment strategies, therapeutics, public health & other relevant technologies.
According to a statement, the C-CAMP has set no specific last date to submit the applications. The received applications are being assessed daily in batches for scientific validity, market readiness, feasibility and impact
Startup India
The department for promotion of industry and internal trade (DPIIT) and Startup India are seeking innovative solutions from startups to fight the Covid-19 crisis. There is a competition for startups, entrepreneurs, and companies to come out with creative solutions to fight Corona virus."We are building a one-stop repository of innovative solutions for ready access by the government and the private sector for further development and deployment," Startup India said.
According to Startup India, after analysing the feasibility and quality of the innovations, the top solutions will be identified and recognised. Besides, Startup India will also refer the innovative solutions to the government and private stakeholders for further funding and deployment.
The solutions can be in the areas of low-cost innovative masks which can capture virus from the air and absorb respiratory droplets. The innovators can also come up with cost-effective thermal scanning devices, medical equipments like ventilators and protective gear for healthcare professionals.
Covid-19 Innovation challenge by Telangana Government
T-Hub has announced a Covid-19 Innovation Challenge in partnership with Q City and Telangana government.The purpose of this innovation challenge is to inspire and motivate students to come up with unique ideas to fight Corona virus. The programme also aims at empowering the student innovators to get mentorship from renowned subject matter experts. The students will also get assistance in transforming their ideas into business propositions from T-Hub and CCMB (The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology).
The call for applications is open until 20th April and you can apply online at the official website
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Marico Innovation Foundation invites ideas to combat Corona
Marico Innovation Foundation (MIF) has launched #Innovate2BeatCOVID, a challenge that will offer grants worth 2.5 crores for the innovative ideas. MIF and Marico's chairman Harsh Mariwala is looking for cost-effective ideas for making ventilators, protective equipment, innovative products, and services that can assist in dealing with Covid-19.You can apply online at the MIF website
Technology Development Board (TBD) & Department of Science & Technology (DST) inviting Innovative solutions for COVID-19
The DST & TBD also invited proposals on COVID-19 & related respiratory viral infectionsThe solutions can be in the areas of low-cost innovative masks which can capture virus from the air and absorb respiratory droplets. The innovators can also come up with cost-effective thermal scanning devices, medical equipments like ventilators and protective gears for healthcare professionals.
Other areas of innovation include large area sanitization and sterilization, Bioinformatics and Surveillance, Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis kit (paper-based and other points of care devices) or any other related technology.
Proposals submitted online via TDB website on or before 27th March 2020.
During any viral pandemic, the protection of the general population is the priority of any government.The system needs suitable devices for screening and detection, efficient clinical masks and sanitisers, home based ventilator systems to complement healthcare facilities.
Many other products and technologies are also required at the same time to monitor and control the spread of diseases.
The need of the hour is to have enough medical equipment like ventilators and protective gears for healthcare professionals. Therefore the government is looking for innovators to come up with innovative solutions that are cost-effective as well as of high quality.
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